We've been doing a big garden clean up this weekend so a trip to the tip was in order. I'm apologising now for any trailer envy caused by this post...sorry.
Here's us arriving at the tip and removing the tarp. Shane likes to think he is the best tarp tie-er downer-er (??) in the world, no movement from that little sucker all the way to the tip. He also managed impressively not to jack-knife the trailer as we backed into position... not that it was close or anything.
Next the back of the trailer comes off...now here's where your thinking the rake comes out, we climb into the trailer and start pushing it all out, yes...
...no. Ella (fairy dress and all) starts winding the trailer...what??? a tip trailer??? Here's where the trailer envy starts I'm afraid.
All tipped up and now all Shane has to do is get back in the car...drive forward a tad...
...and voila, the neatest pile of garden waste you've ever seen. See all the people behind us in the line...they're all using rakes and getting all dusty (not that we were having a giggle or anything).
We don't even have to take a broom to the tip to sweep out the trailer. We just tip it back to horizontal, chuck the tarp and straps into the back of the car and we're off.
I should mention that the trailer is homemade by Shane's Dad, brilliant design. Now I have to pack it full of all our camping stuff for our next camping trip.
Hope you've all had a lovely weekend. xx
PS - check tomorrows post where I write about meeting another blogger!