Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A parenting course. Or at least that's what I thought it was...

...I have no idea what my husband was thinking while he was sitting in the course, but I found this just the other day when I was cleaning out the bookshelf (we did the course about 4 years ago), no wonder we didn't get much out of it.

Here's the notes I don't have to read them, but you get the idea.

And now these are the notes that my husband took..

very dorky

Don't wave your arms around Billy!

That man has no forehead, Sam

Kellogs Just Right


RandomRanter said...

SUCH GIGGLES! Love the comments.

Mandi said...

That made me giggle too! And the comments remind me very much of what my Hubby would write ;)

Renee said...

Ha ha! Just like my boy!

Maxabella said...

You're right, I love it! I'm chuckling away here. He's my kinda guy.

Don't you just love the difference between the conscientious mother and the wisecracking father. It's men and women to a tee.


Tracey@bountifully said...

oh that is so funny, chuckling away to to myself here!

TK said...

oh that is so hilarious......yes we get ourselves in such knots trying to get down EVERY SINGLE BIT OF INFO & there's the man just doodling away - I bet I know who learnt more!!!!!

Cotton Kiwi said...

Hysterical! Maybe he should write a toddler book all of his own. Might make the whole scarey experience much easier!