Friday, November 5, 2010

Forebear Friday

I haven't done a forebear friday post for such a long time. I'm so slack!

This is my Great Grandmother Jessie May taken (I'm guessing) when she was about 20 years old which would have been in 1896.

Hope you're all having a nice Friday. xx

PS - If you want to see a some photos of the surgery our dog had yesterday click here and here, don't click if you don't like seeing stitches and stuff. They're a bit blury. He's fine now, sleeping it all off. He also had 6 teeth removed (including 2 canines) so I think he's got about 10 teeth left. He had an infection that was going into his sinuses...ouch.


Wendy said...

I've been missing your Forebear Fridays, Hannah. She's lovely. Hope your pup is on the mend, and no---I wasn't brave enough to click on the photos.

Baa-Me Kniits said...

She is lovely, maybe younger than 20 as her hair is still down??

Poor Wickett hope he's feeling better soon, what happened to him? it looks nasty? And teeth out too, he will be feeling out of sorts!